Cancel Culture is destroying the left and we need to talk about that

David Loach
2 min readJul 23, 2020


Cancel culture is the only true culture in history that can be considered to have made the shift from nomadism to urban farming on the basis of social and economic necessity. For the first time, the people who had been the first to move from the land to the cities had now made the move back into the land, in order to survive in urban conditions. In order to maintain a culture that would allow them to survive in the urban environment, a new culture of farming had to be established.

However, cancel culture has also taken off in the US, particularly as the number of people leaving the country to find work has been rising, and as wages in the US have continued to stagnate. In the US, it’s now almost three times as likely that a family will move because of a lack of wages as a lack of opportunities. The Pew Research Center estimates that the number of children living in poverty in the US will increase from 23 million in 2010 to 41 million in 2024.

And for the US to overcome cancel culture, the left must be ready to embrace Trump supporters. “If Donald Trump is president in November,” she said, the left would need “to embrace a whole lot of people who are against the establishment and who feel disenfranchised by the process, which will mean there will be more people who don’t think voting is their right and who will try to take it away.” And, she added, the media is going to need to learn to “not be a cheerleader for the establishment”.

Cancel culture is a cancerous, parasitic, and invasive species that has caused the rapid extinction of the native Quito Island bat population since the 1950s. The Quito Island bat population is estimated to be less than 25,000 bats at present. The current Bat Conservation Alliance (BCA) mission is to ensure that this is the last generation of Quito Island bats are lost to extinction. In order to ensure that this is the last generation of Quito Islanders are lost to extinction, we have to prevent qu

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