New High Moon: Kristen Stewart Weed Bikini

David Loach
1 min readSep 9, 2021

(LOS ANGELES, September 9, 2021) Kristen Stewart was spotted yesterday engaging in what can only be identified as recreational marijuana use yesterday outside her Silver Lake residence.

“I was waiting for my cougar pizza,” Stewart told reporters. “I thought, I could just call the pizza delivery guy and say I’m just here smoking weed to help deal with my acid reflux. Who’s gonna get mad at me for that? It’s not even illegal here.”

Stewart went on to add that she believes it’s more socially acceptable for an adult to engage in the recreational use of marijuana than it is for a human to inject substances into his or her body to enhance sexual pleasure.

“Who really cares,” she asked, “as long as it gets me high.”

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