The Implications of Donald Trump Suspended From Twitter on The Left

David Loach
2 min readJan 9, 2021


Donald Trump’s twitter has been suspended. This is bad for the Left because the Left can’t fight over how to handle Trump — they can’t have a civil war over it. Because it’s a platform to have a civil war, Trump’s twitter being suspended means that they need to actually have a civil war — and we saw some reports that they are thinking about violence (if not actual violence).

Leftists should be upset that Donald Trump has been suspended because he was in no way involved in the disgusting fiasco by former Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs Ben Rhodes who handpicked hundreds of Twitter accounts to put in a negative light of the President. According to Politico, the decision to permanently suspend Trump’s Twitter account is being made by executive director of corporate services Kathy Holzberg, who denied the connection between Rhodes and the account. The only one who does anything of any relevance is Ben Rhodes, the self-anointed “shadow-President”. In addition to being the NSA director under Obama, his biggest current issue is the massive US military and political campaign in Syria, with the expressed intention of taking out both Assad and Daesh/ISIL/ISIS. So it was only natural that the re-hired Harvard pal of Ben and Susan Rice — and Hillary’s current campaign manager — would be out and about with Clinton. During a three-day visit to New Hampshire, Sidney Blumenthal was seen meeting with Bill.

Ultimately, the Left will have to deal with the remnants of the Alt-Right on Twitter now that Trump is gone. To defeat those Alt-Righters, they will have to get their fellow leftists (like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) to acknowledge the problems of white supremacy in this country and start rooting out these creeps from their ranks. Hopefully, the behavior of certain individuals who now call themselves the #AltRight will make other leftists realize that calling an Alt-Righter a “Nazi” doesn’t help your cause, and trying to rally the troops by saying things like, “Oh, you’ll all eventually have to kill off this awful anti-Jewish Hitler-like figure in order to give ‘Progressives’ a unified cause!” will also only result in damaging your reputation further. Who said “Positive Humor is the Best Protection”? The Self-Proclaimed Infidels There is no denying that being offended (or claiming to be offended) is a big part of being a leftist. But calling people “Nazi” and trying to use that title as a “cunning” way to force them to do something is a new low, and one that I hope can be avoided going forward.

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